We are happy to announce that since October 2018 we are now first ones in Estonia to offer drone photography day tour . Drone photography has become popular hobby over past few years. While travelling you sometimes face some difficulties to fly a drone: either you are not sure if that’s the place or time to fly it or more important, where to find good location for that.
Update March 2022 please make sure you have your A1, A3 licence to fly the drone.
For instance big part of Tallinn is “no-fly” zone and rest of it and also big area around Tallinn have certain restrictions.

For drone photography daytour you have 2 possibilities.
Travelling with your own drone
Bring your of drone and let’s take trip outside of Tallinn for landscapes and viewpoints. You can charge the batteries while we are driving to next location, there is a 240V adapter in the car. Also we can charge the batteries while having a lunch in local pub or restaurant.
Rent a drone and fly
We have some partners that rent a drone and batteries. We will organize the renting for you, all you need to do is fly and shoot. If you don’t bring your own memory card we can take care of coping the images from the card and uploading them to the cloud later.
There is no standard price but it will be similar to other tours. For the price just contact us and let us know if you have a drone or want to rent one, are you more into architecture or landscape, more into photo or video and please let us know if you are not experienced to fly a drone!